In 2019 I took trip with my family to Ireland. We stayed in County Clare in a small cozy house. Every day we were out doing something, exploring, finding new places and taking in the culture. We had only planned going to the Cliffs of Moher and to go to a couple old castles.

But due to the way Ireland works we were finding new things every single day. Each corner you turn will be a new experience that could change your life. My favorite part from spending time in Ireland was just going out and hiking and taking pictures of the wildlife throughout the country side.

Be ready to see plenty of rock fences. All throughout the countryside you will see rock fences one after another. At first I was so confused and did not understand why this was a thing, I remember laughing it off as something silly. But later on after some research there was a very long back story as to why they were everywhere. (a story worth looking up if you love history) This was vital to my experience and something you should remember before you visit, that you must be ready to accept and to learn new things when you visit new places. This is the beauty of traveling, learning the ways of new cultures.

I cannot suggest visiting Ireland enough. You will want to move here after you leave that is how beautiful it is.